Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pool safety-Pools still waiting for compliant covers

The Skaneatelas(NY) Community Club and many others  are still in violation after the 19th Dec deadline because "for want of the approved Viginia Greame Baker Safety act compliant Cover". Who makes these covers and why are they not made faster. Chances are the whole act was delayed because of bad media like Fox news(Fix news according to Keith Oberman!)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Swimming pool safety

From Friday Swimming pools should have the right drain cover to prevent accidents that happened to the 6 year Minnesota girl whose intestines were sucked out right in front of her helpless mother. The girl died in March. John Edwards whom the republicans termed as a Trial lawyer and Ambulance chaser sued the manufacturers. I cant believe that so many ordinary americans who should really side with the girl's safety and not the corporations thinking they are supporting rthe Republican cause. We need trial lawyers like John Edwards to keep companies honest. Why dont people think of this girl as if she were their own? Imagine for instance if Charleton Hestons'grand daughter shooting herself with her grand fathers loaded rifle? Will he understand at least then?